Proactive Fire Protection Maintenance
Regular maintenance is crucial for the reliability and longevity of your fire protection equipment. Our maintenance covers it all – we service fire extinguishers, lights, smokes, and systems.
With our proactive maintenance, you can rest easy knowing your fire protection equipment are always ready to perform.
Maintenance Services
Fire Extinguishers
6 Year Break Down
- Required by NFPA
- Complete breakdown of the extinguisher and rebuild of the internal valves
12 Year HydroStatic Testing
- Required by NFPA
- Complete breakdown of the extinguisher and rebuild of the internal valves
- Hydrostatic pressure test to ensure integrity of the cylinder
- A Recharge service for empty extinguishers
Various Repairs & Parts
- Repairs for handles, hoses, hose clips, gauges, and brackets
- New Amerex extinguishers available if needd
- Your extinguisher is YOURS
When your extinguishers are due for servicing, we ensure the same one is returned and never swapped for something else from our stock, so there’s no risk of receiving a lesser quality replacement.
Emergency & Exit Lights
Replacement of:
- Bulbs
- Batteries
- Fixtures
Fire Alarm Systems
Replacement of:
- Batteries
- Smoke Detectors
- Pull Stations
- Horns and Strobes
- Fire Alarm Control Panels
- Annunciator Panels
Fire Sprinkler Systems
- 5 Year Internal Inspection
- Replacement of:
- Valves
- Drains
- Piping
- Flow Switches
Commercial Kitchen Suppression Systems
- Hydro Testing of System Tanks
- Replacement of Link Lines
- Recharging of System Tanks
- Repairs of malfunctioning devices
Industrial Suppression Systems
- Hydro Testing of System Tanks
- Replacement of Link Lines
- Recharging of System Tanks
- Repairs of malfunctioning devices
CO2 Suppression Systems
- Hydro Testing of System Tanks
- Recharging of System Tanks
- Repairs of malfunctioning devices
Clean Agent Suppression Systems
- Hydro Testing of System Tanks
- Recharging of System Tanks
- Repairs of malfunctioning Devices